A creator has referred you to the Project Loki playtest!

Project Loki is a squad-based hero battleground—a blend of genres and a new take on hero-based combat. Described by playtesters as “League meets Apex meets Smash,” Project Loki is an all-in-one group adventure, a competitive sandbox, and highlight factory.

In a session of Loki, players will assemble a squad of heroes; outplay other teams in sprawling, free-flowing battles; run the edge of a huge world in the sky; and dream up crazy strategies in a massive combat sandbox.

Project Loki is still a work-in-progress, as the team has been developing from the core game loop (combat, movement, hero kits, etc.) out. This means meta-progression, competitive features, hero concepts, environmental design, and final art are all a work-in-progress.

At Theorycraft, we think there’s a serious drought of fresh, competitive, team-based games. In an endless sea of sequels and seasonal updates, it’s rare to play something new and unique that wrinkles your brain and gets your squad hyped to run it back. That’s our vision for our first game in development, code-named Project Loki.

Sign up below and, because you’re a special referral, we’ll put you in priority queue for access!

Follow us on Twitter and join us on our public Discord to know when the next test is coming up.

Please only fill out this form if you are over the age of 16.

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By submitting this form you agree to the terms of the playtest
Do you work at a AAA game studio or on a competing *
  • NOTE: We currently play on American/European timezones (usually 5pm to 10pm PDT/GMT Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays) and servers, but international players are welcome if they are okay with higher ping.